Thursday, September 22, 2011

Learning Letters, Numbers & Colors

Xzavier has been working hard to learn his letters. I made this flash card board since he loves matching games. I made two cards for each letter and glued one to a poster board. Xzavier matches the other card and we make the sounds and say words that begin with the letter as a celebration for finding the match.

We have also been using a Weekly Theme program to learn letters, numbers & colors. I downloaded a 26 week program from The curriculum consists of a Weekly Theme, Color or Shape, Letter, Number, Vocab Word, and a Song or Rhyme. I created a Theme Board and posted on my laundry room door to help us remember to incorporate the themes in our daily life. Sometimes I don't change the theme out every week. Once I feel we have gone over the weekly items enough then we move on to the next Theme. 

The best thing about this program is it can be for any age group and for any house hold. It's what you make it. Another thing I love about the program is that it gives you something different to talk about with your kids instead of the same old stuff; "Trucks", "Trains", "Dinosaurs".  This will in turn help your children broaden their vocabulary by learning about things not encountered in daily life.... Teaching them about the BIG WORLD out there.