Friday, April 20, 2012

The Big Reveal!!

IT'S A BOY!!!     We wanted to make our announcement a really special event this time so we threw a Reveal Party! My husband and I didn't even know the sex of the baby. Our ultrasound tech sealed our baby's gender in an envelope and we took it to Publix to have cupcakes made with either blue or pink frosting piped inside. I was nervous to have the cupcakes picked up but luckily the bakers at Publix were very careful not to get any icing on the box and they didn't write the color on the receipt. FEWWWW!! The day of the party all our friends and family were on the edge of there seats. I had blue and pink necklaces for each of the guests to pick what they thought the gender would be. Funny, my uncle and I were the only ones wearing blue... When it was time for the reveal my mother and step father called in on Skype on one computer, my husband's mother on face time on his phone and even our good friend John (doing business in Scotland) called in on Skpe also. This was truly News Heard Round the World.

As the cupcakes were passed out the anticipation grew. Once each guest had their cake in hand... 3-2-1 Peel the paper... 3-2-1 Bite!!!! And the place erupted. Everyone was so excited to find out we were having our 3rd boy!! I (ofcourse) couldn't help but cry in excitement, I'm so ecstatic to be having another boy. My boys are so different from looks to personality, I cant wait to meet our new addition and see all my boys play and grow together. I am so lucky to have such a beautiful family, I couldn't imagine a life more perfect.

Chex "PuppyChow" as a Favor/ Beads for Guessing Gender/ Homegrown Rosemary to Take home

Lennox and Liam Having fun!

Our Guests relaxing in the Shade on this Hot Day

Yummy BBQ Chicken and Kabobs on the Grill

It was great to have Family to share in our excitement!

Katie and Lennox Relaxing after the party
Xzavier had so much fun playing with all his friends.

Emily, Froila and Sheila trying to tame their excitement for the reveal.

Avery such a Cutey

Amelia and her cute red cheeks. All the kids were Melting!
Aww Auntie Sheila and Lyvia

Lennox Patrolling the area to find a Plate Thief.

The Decorations were Hung!

Lyvia was Excited to know there will be another boy to chase after!

My BAD Aunt Lori (pretending) to sneak a Bite. All day she had been teasing family back home about being the first to know the BIG NEWS!!
Xzavier can't wait to meet his new Lil Brother.

X thought it was fun to throw the Frisbee on the roof so he could get it...

...from on top Uncle Jay's Shoulders

Get it Brutus!!

Aunt Lori traded in her pink beads after the reveal.

Telling my Grandparents there's going to be another BOY!!

Fun at the pool after the party
More Fun at the pool

X trying out Uncle Jay's Glasses

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