He's Here!!! Baby Nixon Renick Blosser is Here!!
After talking things over with my doctor he understood my need to induce labor. It made me feel alot better to have a plan in place for someone to fly in town to care for Xzavier and Lennox while Trevor and I stayed in the Hospital. We were lucky enough to have Trevor's Mother "GJ" and his Aunt Cheryl fly in and stay at the house with the boys, this way their routine was not interrupted much at all. The last thing I wanted was for them to feel like they were shuffled off and that the new baby was taking precedence over them. Well, I am glad to report my plan worked and I don't think they even noticed that we were gone. They had so much fun with GJ and Aunt Cheryl, doing painting and coloring projects, also playing outside and building train tracks.
Thank you guys so much for putting your lives on hold for a few days to come down and help us out. We really appreciate everything you guys did when you were here from feeding and playing with the boys to taking care of me when I got home from the hospital. It was so nice to have a Welcome Committee when we got home. I know Nixon Really Appreciated it. We love you guys so Much!!
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Making a Welcome Home Sign for Nixon:

Time Out? |
Silly Guys! |
Playing Outside:
Popsicles :) |
Fun with Train Tracks:
Fed the Ducks and Turtles:
Played with games:
Yummy, Yummy, Good Food:
Waiting for the New Little Guy to Come Home: